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Regional Executive Council
Minister: Julianne Hartzell, OFS
Vice-Minister: Cathy Roszhart, OFS
Secretary: Amy Sperry, OFS
Treasurer: Bruce Nordstrom, OFS
Formation Director: Patrick Mowrer, OFS
Councilor-at-Large: Carmen Durón, OFS
Councilor-at-Large: John Elder, OFS
Spiritual Assistant: Fr. Micah Muhlen, OFM

In picture from left to right:
Bruce Nordstrom, OFS, Carmen Durón, OFS, John Elder, OFS (back),
Patrick Mowrer, OFS, Fr. Micah Muhlen, OFM, Amy Sperry, OFS,
Julianne Hartzell, OFS and Cathy Roszhart, OFS.
On the floor:
Our Ecclesial Witness, CNSA President-in-turn, Fr. Marek Stybor, OFM Conv. and Our National Councilor Joshua Molidor, OFS
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